Discovering Online Collections


How do people discover and use online collections?

Many museums and galleries have done the hard work of digitising their collections and putting them online. This is often done with the aim of increasing access to their objects and artworks and providing value to researchers and the public at large.

We work with a number of significant collections on projects involving website analytics, usability, and content strategy. In the course of this, we’ve noticed uncertainty as to what constitutes 'good' or even 'normal' when it comes to the discoverability and usage of those collections.

Having noticed this knowledge gap, we decided to act.

Discovering Online Collections: Benchmark Report

We’ve gathered data from museums and galleries from around the world to build up a clearer picture of what’s going on.

It all adds up to first-of-its-kind insight into how people find and use online collections.


Couldn’t make the live launch and Q&A? You can now watch it on demand.

To stay updated on the project, sign up to our mailing list (signup form below) or follow us on LinkedIn.

Free Consultations

We have a number of slots available for consultations in relation to the benchmarking report.

This will be a chance to schedule a call with us so you and your colleagues can ask any specific questions about the benchmarks and what they might mean for your organisation.

You don't need to have taken part in the study, but places are limited and those organisations will be given first access.

To express an interest, please fill out this form and we'll be in touch.



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