Cultural Social Media Survey


Do you manage social media accounts for a cultural organisation?

If you look after Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and all the others on behalf of a cultural organisation then please take 2 minutes to complete this survey.

A bit more detail

By cultural organisation we mean performing arts, visual arts, museum, library, gallery, heritage site, literary organisation, festival, arts centre… you get the idea. Big or small. Anywhere in the world.

We’re asking about:

  • which platforms are the most valuable to you

  • the types of content you focus on

  • the tactics you employ

  • what you measure and how

  • how you approach paid social

It’s quick. It’s mostly multiple choice. You can complete it anonymously. Plus there’s a quickfire round.

Someone even took the time to get in touch saying…

Survey done… can you send it to me as an outline? There are some really good questions in there which I would like to pose to the team as we think about social media next steps…

Getting your hands on The Results

Chris will be presenting a snapshot of the results at this year’s Arts Marketing Association Conference in July 2019. The full report will come out sometime after.

If you want a copy of the results then fill out the survey and give your details when prompted.

Alternatively, you can sign up to the One Further mailing list below or follow OneFurther on Twitter and keep an eye out there.

About the data collected

If you give your email address when filling out the survey then we’ll use it for the sole purpose of sending you the report. You won’t be auto-enrolled in any other mailing lists.

About One Further

We’re a digital analytics and user research agency that mostly works with cultural organisations. If you want to know more then you’re on the right website. You can check out what we do.