We work with agencies who want to add an analytics or user research service line to their offering, but aren’t at the size to take on the overhead of a dedicated internal analytics resource.

Data quality dashboard

This is a Google Analytics dashboard that will help you spot common problems with your data.

This will help you to spot any issues with your bounce rate, campaign tracking (including email and paid search), self-referrals, ecommerce tracking, duplicate transactions, and more.

To use this dashboard:

  1. Sign in to your Google Analytics account

  2. Click on this link: Data quality dashboard

  3. Follow the instructions for adding it to your account

Page error / 404 dashboard

It's frustrating for users to encounter error pages on your site. It could also easily cost you visitors and sales.

This Google Analytics dashboard will show you how big a problem error pages are on your website, and help you to put things right.

To use this dashboard:

  1. Sign in to your Google Analytics account

  2. Click on this link: Page Error/404 Report

  3. Follow the instructions for adding it to your account

NB: this dashboard assumes that you have the words '404', or 'page not found', or 'error page' in the page title. If that's not the case with your website then get in touch. It might be possible to update the dashboard for you.

Our competencies and experience

User Experience Research

In-person and remote user testing, navigation testing, heatmaps, and user recordings.

Digital Analytics

We're experts with Google Analytics, Google Tag Manager, and 

Everyone here holds the Google Analytics Individual Qualification.

Something for you

Get a Free Agency Dashboard

Use this dashboard to:

See how people are discovering your site.

Get the dashboard.

Want to talk?